Monday, October 4, 2010

Just For Fun ...

Note: This is response to a friend and fellow Blogger's recent post Dwindler's Lists. You can check out the original that spawned my imitation at her blog
Junk on the Train.

If you read her post first it will probably make more sense. The girl is hilarious, I highly recommend you follow her. Enjoy and feel free to leave comments or your very own Dwindler's Lists.

Things I'm currently into ...

1.) Corn Beef Hash: a delicious, old school breakfast that's easy to make.

2.) Bands: Metric, The Black Keys, Cee Lo Green, and Oasis. Those guys broke up and nobody said shit about it. They fucking rock.

3.) COD Black Ops: That's Call Of Duty for all the non-video game nerds out there. What can I say, making little kids cry online is hilarious.

4.) Using matches instead of lighters. I'm cheap and no one ever steals matches.

5.) Junior's Taco Truck: $3 for an authentic Mexican meal on wheels.

6.) The Goon: Coolest/funniest comic book ever

7.) Hot Apple Cider and Captain Mo. Warming, delicious, drunk.

8.) The Walking Dead: Basically a never ending zombie movie, best show on T.V.

9.) Hot Sauce on everything.

10.) Sleeping in till noon whenever possible.

11). T.S. Eliot

12.) Instant movie streaming via Netflix .

Stuff that's Lame (i.e. I am NOT into it) ...

1.) PBR: Call it Pabst, call it Blue Ribbon or even Pibbers, it's still just shitty/cheap beer. It's fucking gross and it gives me heart-burn.

2.) Bill Collectors: Seriously, stop leaving voice mails. Like I'll call you back ... ever.

3.) People waxing $60 an eighth: Going rate in my town for good stuff is $50. You live here, you know this. Stop being a greedy asshole. I know you smoke for free.

4.) Liver and Onions: Nastiest "food" ever.

5.) Having to Number 2 at the bar: I usually just leave and hope I make it home in time.

6.) Girls texting at 5 a.m. when I'm asleep and then not responding the next day when I try back. There's only one reason to call somebody that late, we can make it happen, stop being retarded.

7.) Adult Braces: Pathetic. Should have got the boob job or hair plugs. You made it this far with fucked up teeth, why waste your money? You'll be dead soon anyway.

8.) Driving a Mustang in snow (aka The Death Sled)

9.) Shitty, old apartment windows that still let the heat out after being covered in plastic that you wasted fucking money on.

10.) Anything Christmas before Thanksgiving: It's real simple. No trees, music, Santas, wreaths, lights, commercials, ect, ect until after the turkey is all gone. Thanks Capitalism. Way to ruin the one good thing most Christians have going for them.

Hope you enjoyed, it was quite fun. Try it yourself. Ranting is encouraged.


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